Monday, December 16, 2019

Personal Narrative Friends And Basketball - 1745 Words

Friends Basketball Coming into a new town is nothing new to me. If you move around as much as I do, then you never really get to know anyone on a deeper level than knowing of them. I move on average of 4-5 times a year. My dad’s company that he works for keeps moving him around, so I never really expect us to stay in a house very long. I never put my clothes in my drawers, even though I have them. I keep them in my luggage bags, because you never know when you will move again. I’ve ever really had a best friend; that was until I met Claire. It was my first day of school on a cold day in November at Preston Heights High School. I was in guidance office, talking to the counselor. The counselor called in this girl to show me the ins and†¦show more content†¦Myra: Claire, I feel as if I can’t make anything. Maybe I shouldn’t go out for the team tomorrow. I can’t even make a single power shot. Claire: Hey, that’s ok. You aren’t go ing to make every single shot at the beginning of the season. Heck, most of the shots you take in a game won’t even go in. Just keep shooting. Myra: Ok. Thanks for the advice. I guess I will keep knocking away at it. See you tomorrow! Claire: Alright, see you tomorrow! The next day at try-outs, Coach Myers, the Varsity coach, told the returning lettermen, girls who were on varsity team prior to this year, to take us amateurs and show us some drills. Claire was the leader for my group, as she was the returning point guard. I tried keeping up with Claire, as she was controversially the best player in the whole program. I tried to impress both her and Coach Myers by making every shot that I possibly could, but that was NOT the case. I missed basically every shot, but I just kept shooting. I did not look very good. That was until Claire showed me where to grip the ball to shoot it with the utmost accuracy. I need to leave my right hand back for power and my left hand on the side on the ball as a guide. I made almost every basket after Claire taught me how to shoot the ball. I ended up looking very good for the rest of try-outs. After try-outs, Coach Myers told all of the people who wanted to try-out to go home, except for me. He kept the lettermen behind with me. I was actually the biggestShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Disappearing, Native American, By Thomas King, The Truth About Stories1532 Words   |  7 Pagesown stories and how their lives have been impacted by them. This class will focus around excerpts from the book by Thomas King, The Truth About Stories, and circulate around two main themes. These themes are the immense power of stories, and the narrative of the â€Å"disappearing† Native American. The Truth About Stories is a very powerful story that highlights the intrinsic power that a simple, or not so simple, story can have over a person’s life. 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