Sunday, December 8, 2019

Newspaper Style free essay sample

A newspaper headline is often the only thing that readers read in a newspaper, or at least, it is the first thing that everyone notices in a newspaper. It serves as a indicator for the reader that helps decide whether to continue on reading the whole text or to skip it onto another one. Each headline should be a summary of the news which follows. A headline should be a regular sentence structure containing a subject and a verb. It means that only lexical, not grammatical words are used. The major reason for that is the space. Then the rule of a sentence may be broken, only minor sentences are used, and such a headline can be rather difficult to understand. This happens on purpose to make the headline somehow special with the aim to attract the readers attention to the report or even to buy the newspaper at all. We will write a custom essay sample on Newspaper Style or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In that case, readers are mystified, confused and in the end, after reading the report they can feel disappointed as it did not fulfill their expectations. The analysis is based on a corpus consisting of 10 randomly chosen British and Ukrainian newspaper headlines. The material used here is definitely limited and cannot exemplify all features. There establish general characteristics with respect to the main areas which have been studied. Newspaper style English newspaper style may be defined as a system of interrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means which is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that basically serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader. The most concise form of newspaper informational is the headline. The Longman dictionary gives definition that â€Å"The Headline† is the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report: Space Aliens meet with President. â€Å"The headlines† is the important points of the main news stories that are read at the beginning of a news programme on radio or television. There we can see the other explanation given by Ludwig and Gilmore The best headlines both tell and sell, that is, they tell the reader quickly what the news is and persuade the reader that the story is worth reading. Headlines are usually read first and the information expressed is used by the editors or headline writers. Firstly, a good headline persuades the readers to stop and dedicate their time to reading the story. Such a headline catches readers interest as well as it captures the essence of the story. The main function of the headline is to inform the reader briefly of what the news that follows is about. The main purpose of headline i s to communicate an idea by using as few short words as possible, nevertheless, the meaning of the headline can sometimes therefore be misleading or misinterpreted. The reason for using as few short words as possible is constraint space provided for headlines in newspapers. So, now we’ll learn more about its specific vocabulary features: a) Special political and economic terms (e. g. apartheid, by-election, per capita production). b) Non-term political vocabulary (e. g. public, people, progressive, nation-wide unity). c) Newspaper cliches, i. e. , stereotyped expressions, commonplace phrases familiar to the reader (e. g. vital issue, wellinformed sources, overwhelming majority,). d) Cliches more than anything else reflect the traditional manner of expression in newspaper writing.

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