Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Words and Expressions Related to Palm
Words and Expressions Related to Palm Words and Expressions Related to â€Å"Palm†Words and Expressions Related to â€Å"Palm†By Maeve Maddox I subscribe to a daily trivia email that gives the percentage of the quiz-takers who answer the questions correctly. The questions are rarely difficult, but I have noticed that the percentage of right answers for the more traditional â€Å"general knowledge†questions on history or literature tend to drop into the seventies, while those on rock groups and sports score in the high eighties. Different generations, different interests. Nevertheless, I’m always puzzled by the low scores for questions that seem to contain the answer in the question. For example: The leaves from which tree inspire a palmette design? Palm†¨ Pine †¨Plum†¨ Fern When I saw that question, I said to myself â€Å"Doh!†To me it was like Groucho’s question â€Å"Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?†The percentage of quiz takers that got this one right was 71%. Honest. Palm Lore Two common types of palm tree are palmate and pinnate. palmate: adj. from Latin palma, â€Å"hand.†Having a shape similar to that of a hand with the fingers extended. pinnate: adj. from Latin pinna, â€Å"feather, wing.†Resembling a feather; having parts or branches arranged on each side of a common axis. The Latin word palma also referred to the palm fronds that symbolized victory and were bestowed upon a contest winner or victorious general. The ancient practice is reflected in the English expression to win the palm: to succeed in some endeavor. Military decorations often feature leaves in the design. Leaves on medals awarded to U.S. service personnel tend to favor the laurel and the oak, but the RVN Gallantry Cross features a pinnate palm leaf. Palm has numerous meanings in English. Meanings of palm as a noun: the inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the base of the fingers. the similar part of the forefoot of an animal a unit of length equal to either the width or the length of the hand the part of a glove that covers the palm the blade of an oar or paddle the flattened part of the antlers of certain animals Meanings of palm as a verb: to pick up furtively to conceal in the palm of the hand to commit a basketball violation by letting the ball rest momentarily in the palm of the hand while dribbling Like all body part words, palm has given the language many expressions. to palm off: to dispose of or pass off by deception to have an itching palm: to have a strong desire for money (the idea is that the palm must be scratched with coins, i.e. bribe money) In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, the grief-stricken Brutus insults his friend Cassius with this expression: Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself Are much condemn’d to have an itching palm, To sell and mart your offices for gold To undeservers. Words that derive from palm: palmate: adj. 1. Of an antler: in which the angles between the tines are partly filled in to form a broad flat surface 2. Of a leaf: having (esp. five) lobes, veins, or leaflets radiating from a common point like the fingers of an outspread hand; 3. Having finger-like branches, esp. diverging from a short or flattened base. 4. Of the foot of a bird or animal: webbed. palmer: n. A pilgrim, esp. one returned from the Holy Land, traditionally carrying a palm branch or palm leaf as a mark of pilgrimage. Chaucer mentions palmers in his prologue to The Canterbury Tales as he lists April activities: Then folk long to go on pilgrimages And palmers [wish] to seek foreign shores To distant shrines famous in various lands palmette: n. An ornamental design used on ancient pottery, and later on furniture, carpets, etc., having narrow radiating divisions and resembling a stylized palm leaf. palmetto: n. Any of various fan palms, palmistry: n. The art or practice of supposedly reading a persons character or future by examining the lines and other features of the hand, especially the palm and fingers; chiromancy. palmier: n.  In French cookery: a biscuit made of sugared puff pastry, shaped like a palm leaf. palmitic acid: n. a solid saturated fatty acid, CH3(CH2)14COOH, found in palm oil and in many vegetable and animal fats. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?Yay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other AcclamationsHow Verbs Become Adjectives
Friday, November 22, 2019
What men need to know about dressing for job interviews
What men need to know about dressing for job interviews Attention men: do you know the modern rules to dress for success? Times have changed, and with them the guidelines for dressing for job interviews have too. And in today’s volatile, talent-rich job market where one wrong move can send you to the bottom of the applicant pool, the stakes for making an impeccable impression on job interviews are higher than ever before. Along with your cover letter and resume, how you handle yourself on a first interview- which includes how you dress- is a critical component of your initial impression on potential employers and hiring managers, and we all know how powerful and lasting first impressions can be.So keep reading, get ready- and go shopping if necessary- to make sure you’re absolutely ready when you’re on your next job hunt.Dress for the environmentAn important (yet often ignored) maxim when dressing for job interviews is dressing appropriately for the environment. What does this mean? Simply put, a three-piece suit may not be the best choice for every situation. An interview at a prestigious law firm and an art gallery are different animals that likely require different wardrobes. There are times when a conservative outfit is practically a requirement, and times when a little creative flair will be appreciated and well received. When you’re on an interview, potential employers will not only be looking to see that your outfit is polished and professional, they’ll also be checking to make sure it’s appropriate for the setting and reflects good judgment.Bottom line- whether in a board room, theater, campground, classroom, or somewhere in-between, part of your prep for every interview is to research your target environment and audience and to pick out an outfit that appropriately fits the situation.Fit mattersIn times past, men had plenty of leeway when it came to clothing fit and many chose to opt for loose comfort. Today, a more tailored fit is in style, so much so that in some places you’ll look positively behind the times if your outfit is too baggy or loose-fitting. A well-tailored outfit radiates positive, professional poise whereas a baggy, ill-fitting one may send a subconscious message that you’re unprepared, disorganized, or careless (regardless of whether or not it’s true).Your best bet is to make sure your clothes reflect a neatly tailored fit- this doesn’t mean you have to buy a whole new wardrobe, but it may necessitate a trip to the tailor if you find yourself drowning inside of your current outfits.Don’t be a peacockSure, you want to stand out from the applicant pool when you’re on an interview, but do it with your amazing abilities and experience- not with an overly flashy outfit. Resist the urge to peacock your way through your interviews and save the loudly colored suits and shirts and wildly creative ties for your next party or social gathering (unless you’re absolutely certain it’s the right environment for it). Instead, opt for more subtle color palettes and fits. Trust us on this one- you may stand out with a wild outfit, but likely not in the way you want to.Comfort is keyJust as important as a carefully considered and appropriate outfit is reflecting the aura that you’re confident- which means feeling comfortable in your clothes. Make sure you’ve tried on your outfit in advance of the interview day, and make sure your choice of outfit makes you feel good about how you look and your chances of landing the job. Nothing wrecks a first interview quite like a complete lack of confidence and comfort, so be prepared and consider yourself forewarned.Use these tips to plan out your outfit so that when interview day comes, you’re ready to go. Looking great leads to feeling great, which then leads to putting your best foot forward- so you’ll already have a leg up on the competition. Good luck!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
TQM and Its Value-adding Constructs in the Marketing Function Essay
TQM and Its Value-adding Constructs in the Marketing Function - Essay Example As the discussion stresses through the utilisation of quantitative and qualitative research and measurement tools, processes are improved with emphasis on enhancing leadership capability, ensuring costs are controlled, increasing organisational responsiveness, and generally improving a firm’s competitive position in its established market. Common tools in total quality management include benchmarking, statistical process controls, histograms, Pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams and flow charts. This paper outlines that having offered a definition of total quality management, determining how this system provides value for the organisation can be illustrated in the marketing function, one of the most fundamental methods of achieving competitive advantage. However, what is value? Value is defined as the benefits which a firm is able to create for customers related to the customer’s value chain. This composition explores TQM as an influence and construct of marketing, sustaining an emphasis on TQM’s ability to create value for a firm in its relationship to improving marketing competency and focus. Quality, from a marketing perspective, is defined as being a match between customer expectations and perceptions and the legitimate experiences provided by the firm. Hence, a customer-centric organisation that is reliant on establishing relationships with profitable customer segments must be focused on ensuring that quality systems and quality outputs are aligned with customer perceptions of what actually constitutes quality.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Patient satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Patient satisfaction - Essay Example In developing the questionnaire, one must focus one finding focus on achieving three set of goals namely provision of quality health care to patients, treating them with courtesy as well as respect and making the health services affordable to the patients. The questions to be used in the process should thus focus on the three issues namely quality, interpersonal and accessibility. The question should be brief with careful wording so as to ensure that they are not biased, vague or enclosed. There is need to use a consistent scale while developing the questions such as likert scale, 10-point scale or the four point scale. The use of scale assists in the ensuring accuracy and precision in the determination of the satisfaction level of the patient. Anonymity should be highly emphasized as this will allow patients to give their honest opinion. The entire process need to be anonymous and the forms should be filled in private and the questions need to be open-ended so as to make the entire process as flexible as possible (Shelton,
Thursday, November 14, 2019
2005 Superbowl :: essays research papers
Pats vs. Eagles      Through the 2004-05 National Football League season, there was a lot of speculation about who would win the Super Bowl, just like every other year. As the regular season ended, it came down to just twelve teams, then eight, then four, then just two. Two teams who have worked very hard to represent their separate leagues, and the game they shared was a great one. Although the Philadelphia Eagles played a very good game and were able to put up 21 points, the 24 points by the New England Patriots, because of solid offence, sound defense, and a +2 takeaway margin, the Patriots were just too much to handle.      The Eagles came into this game with their star wide receiver injured. Terrell Owens, just two months earlier, was diagnosed severe sprain of his ankle's deltoid ligament and a fracture of his fibula. There was a lot of speculation about whether his ankle would be able to hold up, and it turns out his ankle would do just fine. Owens ended the game as the leading receiver for the Eagles with nine receptions for 122 yards and a long of 36. But this was not enough to keep the Eagles in this game. His quarterback, Donovan McNabb, threw an outrageous 51 times and completed 37 for 357 yards and 3 touchdowns. If this was all he did, these stats would have made him the Super Bowl MVP. However, McNabb also threw a season high 3 interceptions, and most of these were very uncharacteristic, and very unfortunate for the situation the Eagles were in. The running game was also non-existent, rushing for only 44 yards. The high number of mental errors by Philadelphia, along with th e lack of running game held them from scoring numerous times.      The Patriots did not have these mental mistakes. New England Quarterback and two-time Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady had a few early mistakes, and unforced fumble, and led his receivers into some dangerous situations, but after the first quarter, the Patriots offence started to click. Brady ended the game with 236 yards on 23 completions, and 2 touchdowns. New England also had the Super Bowl MVP Deion Branch, who left the game with a Super Bowl record 11 receptions for 133 yards. Passing is a very big part of football, and the key to a good passing game is a good running game.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
J. D. Salinger and Catcher
Rye went into 14 printings within a year of publication and continued to have a large sale. The book had been translated into 30 languages and had sold more than 65 million copies. After his divorce with his second wife, Claire Douglas, he went to New Hampshire to be alone and be isolated. He stopped writing books and cut off most public contact. He would only write in private and enjoyed his time alone. Slinger died on January 27, 2010, of natural causes at his home in Cornish, New Hampshire. (American Decades. Deed. Judith S. Bushman. StudentResources in Context) Critics say that The Catcher in the Rye is a quest story but Holder's quest is aimless and incomplete. The Catcher in the Rye is most frequently compared to Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Catcher in the Rye was received enthusiastically by the reading public. The Catcher in the rye was a rapid success, The Catcher in the Rye was mostly praised by critics but others thought it was a failure. It was als o controversial for its adult language and situations. The Catcher in the Rye became a classic coming of age tale about maturing from childhood to adulthood.Slinger filed a lawsuit against Ian Hamilton for writing â€Å"J. D. Slinger: A Writing Life. †Slinger wanted to protect his privacy. Slinger influenced many people like Lynda Barry. I find J. D. Clinger's writing fascinating. His themes are powerful and relatable in The Catcher in the Rye. I really enjoyed the novel and I would love to read some more of his works. (Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit. Student Resources In Context. )
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Hybrid technology: shaping society’s future Essay
An Introduction to Hybrid Cars According to TechFaq, A hybrid car depends on two kinds of engines for propulsion power. Most hybrid cars available today use a combination of gasoline and electric engines while some use a combination of diesel and electric engines. Traditional gasoline-powered cars derive their propulsion power from combustion of gasoline. The combustion of gas produces the energy needed to turn the transmission as well as the wheels. Unfortunately, although fossil fuels still delivers the most power per pound, their by-products are harmful to the environment. Fossil fuels are also non renewable resources so as they became more scarce, their prices continued to rise. Electric-powered cars, on the other hand, have a set of powerful batteries for powering the electric motor which in turn rotates the transmission and turns the wheels. Although their by-products are almost pollution free, electric powered cars take a lot of time to recharge and are generally slow. A hybrid car combines the strengths of each type of engine. It produces less pollution and it is more economical than the conventional car while still being more powerful than electric powered cars. Its Components The components of a hybrid car are a fuel tank for the gasoline engine, a cutting-edge gasoline engine that is much smaller, more efficient and produces less pollution than usual gasoline engines, an electric motor/generator which can either draw energy from the batteries to power the car or charge the batteries while the car is slowing down, a set of batteries which acts much like the fuel tank for the electric motor, and the transmission which turns the wheels. It also has Regenerative Braking, Temporary Engine Shut-off, and other features like minimal-drag tires, carbon fiber, and other lightweight materials to reduce overall weight and state of the art aerodynamic designs for the body. All these things make it easier for a hybrid car to drive up inclines and accelerate, attain higher speeds as well as minimize fuel consumption and emissions (TeqFaq). Hybrid Cars and their Effects on Society Sky-high oil prices and an increased awareness of the energy and global-warming crises are helping fuel the hybrid’s gradually increasing visibility, wrote Donaldson-Evans of Fox News. â€Å"It’s part of the popular culture now. You are going to see more offerings,†said Aaron Robinson, technical editor at Car and Driver Magazine. â€Å"Car companies that do not offer hybrids will be seen as behind. †Its Effects on the People’s Buying Habits: According to the Donaldson-Evans report, with gasoline now being sold at higher than $3-a-gallon in much of the U. S. , hybrids are certainly getting more attention than ever before in their short lifespan. (Those sold in the United States are all less than 10 years old. )Almost every major car company that does business in America is offering hybrids or has them in the works. â€Å"Fuel is only going to get more expensive,†Robinson said. â€Å"People are changing their buying habits as a result. †Toyota has also pledged to make a total of one million hybrid cars by the end of the decade. â€Å"The hybrids have been profitable since very early on,†said Toyota Motor Sales U. S. A. spokesman Wade Hoyt. â€Å"We’re not losing money on it. It’s not a charity operation. We see the market as expanding. †Its Effects on the Car Industry The Japanese car manufacturer isn’t the only game in town when it comes to autos powered by gas and electric batteries, however. Ford Motor Company (F) offers the For Escape and the Mercury Mariner SUVs in the fuel-efficient forms, with plans for Ford Fusions and Mercury Milans to go hybrid by 2008. Ford Motor Co. spokesman Monte Doran said sales of the Escape and Mariner hybrids were up 55 percent in the first five months of 2006. â€Å"Ford is researching many different ways to deliver greener miles to consumers,†Doran said. â€Å"Hybrids are a very important part of that: They deliver amazing improvements in fuel economy without sacrificing performance and utility. †Other car makers with hybrids in the works: Hyundai, Nissan and GM’s Saturn and Chevrolet divisions, according to Robinson. Its Effects on Public Transportation The Fox News report went on by relaying how one Yellow Cab taxi driver in San Francisco has been carting passengers around in a Ford Escape hybrid since 2004 and can’t remember what his life was like in the strictly gas-powered world. â€Å"I love it. I wouldn’t go back to a regular cab,†said Paul Gillespie, the driver representative for the city’s seven-member taxi commission. â€Å"It saved me between $4,000 and $5,000 in gas last year. †Gillespie said San Francisco has between 40 and 50 hybrid taxis on the road, and he hopes to see that number climb steadily. â€Å"You’re just so much less noisy and intrusive and stinky,†he said. â€Å"It’s a win-win situation  you’re putting thousands of dollars in drivers’ pockets in addition to reducing CO2 emissions. †In the hybrid’s early days  around 1999 or 2000  consumers and automakers were hesitant to latch onto the trend in part because of the fear that the battery would die every so often and be expensive to replace. Robinson believes hybrids will one day become so common and so widely used that they’ll just be another feature drivers can choose, rather than a totally different animal, the way they still seem now. It is expected that more and more public transportation vehicles will be using hybrid technology since it is to those vehicles that stop and go more often that hybrids work best as.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biography of Louis Pasteur, Health Sciences Pioneer
Biography of Louis Pasteur, Health Sciences Pioneer Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822–September 28, 1895) was a French biologist and chemist whose breakthrough discoveries into the causes and prevention of disease ushered in the modern era of medicine. Fast Facts: Louis Pasteur Known For: Discovered pasteurization, studies of anthrax, rabies, improved medical techniquesBorn: December 27, 1822 in Dole, FranceParents: Jean-Joseph Pasteur and Jeanne-Etiennette RoquiDied: September 28, 1895 in Paris, FranceEducation: Collà ¨ge Royal at Besancon (BA, 1842; BSc 1842), Ecole Normale Supà ©rieure (MSc, 1845; Ph.D. 1847)Spouse: Marie Laurent (1826–1910, m. May 29, 1849)Children: Jeanne (1850–1859), Jean Baptiste (1851–1908), Cà ©cile (1853–1866), Marie Louise (1858–1934), Camille (1863–1865) Early Life Louis Pasteur was born December 27, 1822 in Dole, France, into a Catholic family. He was the third child and only son of poorly educated tanner Jean-Joseph Pasteur and his wife Jeanne-Etiennette Roqui. He attended primary school when he was 9 years old, and at that time he didnt show any particular interest in the sciences. He was, however, quite a good artist. In 1839, he was accepted to the Collà ¨ge Royal at Besancon, from which he graduated with both a BA and a BSc in 1842 with honors in physics, mathematics, Latin, and drawing, gaining. He later attended the prestigious Ecole Normale Supà ©rieure to study physics and chemistry, specializing in crystals, and obtaining the French equivalents of an MSc (1845) and a Ph.D. (1847). He served briefly as a professor of physics at the Lycee in Dijon, and later became a professor of chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. Marriage and Family It was at the University of Strasbourg that Pasteur met Marie Laurent, the daughter of the universitys rector; she would become Louis secretary and writing assistant. The couple married on May 29, 1849, and had five children: Jeanne (1850–1859), Jean Baptiste (1851–1908), Cà ©cile (1853–1866), Marie Louise (1858–1934), and Camille (1863–1865). Only two of his children survived to adulthood: the other three died of typhoid fever, perhaps leading to Pasteurs drive to save people from disease. Accomplishments Over the course of his career, Pasteur conducted research that ushered in the modern era of medicine and science. Thanks to his discoveries, people could now live longer and healthier lives. His early work with the wine growers of France, in which he developed a way to pasteurize and kill germs as part of the fermentation process, meant that all kinds of liquids could now be safely brought to market- wine, milk, and even beer. He was even granted U.S. patent 135,245 for Improvement in Brewing Beer and Ale Pasteurization. Additional accomplishments included his discovery of a cure for a certain disease that affected silkworms, which was a tremendous boon to the textile industry. He also found cures for chicken cholera, anthrax in sheep, and rabies in humans. The Pasteur Institute In 1857, Pasteur moved to Paris, where he took up a series of professorships. Personally, Pasteur lost three of his own children to typhoid during this period, and in 1868, he suffered a debilitating stroke, which left him partially paralyzed for the rest of his life. He opened the Pasteur Institute in 1888, with the stated purpose of the treatment of rabies and the study of virulent and contagious diseases. The Institute pioneered studies in microbiology, and held the first-ever class in the new discipline in 1889. Starting in 1891, Pasteur began to open other Institutes throughout Europe to advance his ideas. Today, there are 32 Pasteur institutes or hospitals in 29 countries throughout the world. The Germ Theory of Disease During Louis Pasteurs lifetime it was not easy for him to convince others of his ideas, which were controversial in their time but are considered absolutely correct today. Pasteur fought to convince surgeons that germs existed and that they were the cause of disease, not bad air, the prevailing theory up to that point. Furthermore, he insisted that germs could be spread via human contact and even medical instruments, and that killing germs through pasteurization and sterilization was imperative to preventing the spread of disease. In addition, Pasteur advanced the study of virology. His work with rabies led him to realize that weak forms of disease could be used as an immunization against stronger forms. Famous Quotes Did you ever observe to whom the accidents happen? Chance favors only the prepared mind. Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Controversy A few historians disagree with the accepted wisdom regarding Pasteurs discoveries. At the centennial of the biologists death in 1995, a historian specializing in science, Gerald L. Geison (1943–2001), published a book analyzing Pasteurs private notebooks, which had only been made public about a decade earlier. In The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, Geison asserted that Pasteur had given misleading accounts about many of his important discoveries. Still, other critics labeled him a fraud. Death Louis Pasteur continued to work at the Pasteur Institute until June 1895, when he retired because of his increasing illness. He died on September 28, 1895, after suffering multiple strokes. Legacy Pasteur was complicated: inconsistencies and misrepresentations identified by Geison in Pasteurs notebooks show that he was not just an experimenter, but a powerful combatant, orator, and writer, who did distort facts to sway opinions and promote himself and his causes. Nevertheless, his accomplishments were tremendous- in particular his anthrax and rabies studies, the importance of handwashing and sterilization in surgery, and most importantly, ushering in the era of the vaccine. These accomplishments continue to inspire and cure millions of people. Sources Berche, P. Louis Pasteur, from Crystals of Life to Vaccination. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 18 (2012): 1–6.Debrà ©, Patrice. Louis Pasteur. Trans. Forster, Elborg. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.Geison, Gerald L. The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995. Lanska, D. J. Pasteur, Louis. Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (Second Edition). Eds. Aminoff, Michael J. and Robert B. Daroff. Oxford: Academic Press, 2014. 841–45.Ligon, B. Lee. Biography: Louis Pasteur: A Controversial Figure in a Debate on Scientific Ethics. Seminars in Pediatric Infectious Diseases 13.2 (2002): 134–41.Martinez-Palomo, Adolfo. The Science of Louis Pasteur: A Reconsideration. The Quarterly Review of Biology 76.1 (2001): 37–45.Tulchinsky, Theodore H. Chapter 6: Pasteur on Microbes and Infectious Diseases. Case Studies in Public Health. Ed. Tulchinsky, Theodore H.: Academic Press, 2018. 10 1–16.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Miriam Benjamin, Inventor of Signal Chair
Biography of Miriam Benjamin, Inventor of Signal Chair Miriam Benjamin (September 16, 1861–1947) was a Washington, D.C. school teacher and the second black woman to receive a patent in the United States, given to her in 1888 for an invention she called a Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels. This device might seem to be a bit quaint, but its successor is still used daily- the flight attendant call button on commercial aircraft. Fast Facts: Miriam Benjamin Known For: Second black woman to receive a patent, she invented the Gong and Signal Chair for HotelsBorn: September 16, 1861 in Charleston, South Carolina Parents: Francis Benjamin and Eliza BenjaminDied: 1947Education: Howard University, Howard University Law SchoolAwards: Patent number 386,289Notable Quote: From her patent application: The chair would serve to reduce the expenses of hotels by decreasing the number of waiters and attendants, to add to the convenience and comfort of guests and to obviate the necessity of hand clapping or calling aloud to obtain the services of pages. Early Life Benjamin was born as a free person in Charleston, South Carolina, on September 16, 1861. Her father was Jewish and her mother was black. Her family moved to Boston, Massachusetts, where her mother Eliza hoped to give her children access to good schooling. Education and Career Miriam attended high school in Boston. She later moved to Washington, D.C. and was working as a schoolteacher when she received her patent for the Gong and Signal Chair in 1888. She continued her education at Howard University, first attempting medical school. These plans were interrupted when she passed the civil service exam and got a federal job as a clerk. She later graduated from Howard University law school and became a solicitor of patents. In 1920, she moved back to Boston to live with her mother and work for her brother, noted attorney Edgar Pinkerton Benjamin. She never married. Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels Benjamins invention allowed hotel customers to summon a waiter from the comfort of their chair. A button on the chair would buzz the waiters station and a light on the chair would let the wait staff know who wanted service. Her patent notes that this invention would serve to reduce the expenses of hotels by decreasing the number of waiters and attendants, to add to the convenience and comfort of guests and to obviate the necessity of hand clapping or calling aloud to obtain the services of pages. Anyone who has tried to get the attention of a waiter, especially when they have all seemingly disappeared into the woodwork, might wish this had become a standard in every restaurant. Patent number 386,289 was issued to Miriam Benjamin on July 17, 1888. Her invention received attention from the press. Miriam Benjamin lobbied to have her Gong and Signal Chair adopted by United States House of Representatives, in order to signal pages. The system that was eventually installed there resembled her invention. The Inventive Benjamin Family Miriam was not alone in her inventiveness. The Benjamin family made use of the education their mother Eliza valued so highly. Lude Wilson Benjamin, four years younger than Miriam, received U.S. Patent number 497,747 in 1893 for an improvement on broom moisteners. He proposed a tin reservoir that would attach to a broom and drip water onto the broom to keep it moist so it wouldnt produce dust as it swept. Miriam E. Benjamin was the original assignee for the patent. Edgar P. Benjamin, the youngest in the family, was an attorney and philanthropist who was active in politics. But he also received U.S. Patent number 475,749 in 1892 for a trousers protector, a clip to keep trousers out of the way while bicycling. Death Miriam Benjamin died in 1947. The circumstances of her death are not published. Legacy Benjamin was the second African-American woman to receive a United States patent, after Sarah E. Good, who invented the folding cabinet bed three years prior in 1885. Benjamins invention was the precursor to the flight attendant call button, a key tool for customer service in the airline industry. Sources Brodie, James Michael. Created Equal The Lives and Ideas of Black American Innovators. William Morrow and Co. Inc., 1993Mahoney, Eleanor. â€Å"Miriam E. Benjamin (1861-1947) BlackPast.† BlackPast, 14 Mar. 2019.Miriam E. Benjamin: African American Inventor. MyBlackHistory.net.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Service quality in the casino industry Literature review
Service quality in the casino industry - Literature review Example From the research it can be comprehended that in today’s competitive environment, when all the service companies are competing to get hold of a large customer base, the main deciding factor would be the quality of the service offered to the customers. Better quality is expected to attract a larger customer base. However, there are certain factors which are also influential in defining the success of the service industry. One such significant element is the customers’ perception about the service and its attributes. To align the service qualities in line with the customers’ preferences and requirements is a great challenge for the service providers. The value and regards, the company offers to its customers, are significant the shape the perception of the customers about the specific service quality. The companies are required to show enough loyalty and commitment to the consumers they are catering to. It is pretty important that the companies must understand the requirement and needs of the customers. The company can encourage the involvement of customers to offer better service to them which would not only meet the requirements but also the expectations of the consumers. It is pretty significant that the service must strengthen the customers’ autonomy with appropriate customisation of the services. The company can assist the customers to choose the better services in compliance with the customers’ requirements and preferences. The attributes of the service must be conveyed to the customers in a way where the service processes are understood and seem to be meaningful to respective customers.
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